The landscapes in Blackwater are photographed in the Viskan valley in Västergötland, Sweden, between the years 2011-2021. They form small remnants of a wetland landscape that disappeared in connection with the lowering of the lakes at the end of the 19th century. But during spring and autumn, these marshlands are reborn in connection with floods. The environments have…
195 SEK
Suicide is associated with shame, guilt, taboo – something we’re reluctant to talk about. After a close relative unexpectedly took his life, photographer David Lundmark decided to seek out others who had been affected by suicide – privately or through their professional roles. Partly because he wanted to process his own grief and try to understand what had happened, but also…
273 SEK
Denna skimrande bok är en kärleksfull och vacker skildring av sångsvanen. Här berättas framgångssagan om hur en mytomspunnen fågel kom tillbaka: för hundra år sedan balanserade arten på randen till utrotning, men nu fyller den återigen vårhimlen med sjungande hopp. Boken förklarar bland annat vad svanarna säger när de samlas i bugande cirklar, varför de breder ut sig i ett…
298 SEK
Christer Strömholm is recognised as one of the major figures of 20th century European photography. Strömholm captured his surroundings in black-and-white images that display his integrity, understated humour and a highly personal aesthetic. With an unmistakable sensitivity to human suffering, based on his personal experience, he took photography in a new direction. Sean O'Hagan, writing in The Guardian, has described…
648 SEK
Under snart ett decennium har fotografen Anders Hansson dokumenterat konflikten i Ukraina, från krigets början i april 2014, till den fullskaliga ryska invasionen i februari 2022 och det pågående kriget.  I boken Inte ens i döden får vi vila: Kriget i Ukraina skildras människorna och händelserna i Ukraina under denna tid av rysk krigföring. Det är starka skildringar av människor som…
358 SEK
Do you want to get down and see what you can find on the ground, bringing you closer to the surface of the earth?Found Diary is a serie of asphalt finds captured during smartphone hikes. A book for my workshops in photography, from screen to print.
234 SEK